
"All about weaving"

In January I wrote about the myth about "there is no handweaving on the 'net" (here is the post). Among other things I told about the New Important Project aiming to create a 'net portal to contain "everything about handweaving".

That portal is now here. (Oh, it contains, presumably, "all" about several other textile art forms, too: embroidery, knitting, crochet, bobbin lace...).

I suppose it is A Good Thing that there is another weaving "portal" out there, to point aspiring weavers to many resources. So - why am I so obviously miffed? Well, to tell the truth, I am disappointed about not having been consulted. Oh, not me, personally, but, for instance, our local guild works near, or so we thought, the local craft association. We could have got a link, perhaps? Or we could have been invited to participate in the pattern-making ("weaving for all" - a collection of patterns "from north to south")... or: the collection of patterns could have had more than one (ok, two) projects that are not rugs, towels and tablecloths. After all, from the first I heard of the project, it was meant to inspire/convince "youngsters" that weaving is not just boring old things like rugs and tablecloths...

Perhaps it is just a case of sour grapes. (Age, perhaps? "grumpy old woman"?)
But I wander how one gets to be on the links list, or on the book list...
On the knitting pages, Ravelry has got a link. But Weavolution is not on the weaving pages - nor is handweaving.net.

Some hard facts to contemplate:


Pat said...

I notice that Weavetech has less and less that interests me. It seems to cover the same topics again and again and few topics spark me off. I have not contributed for years. Has everyone gone off to Weavolution.

Pat Foster
Malvern Uk

Kerstin på Spinnhuset said...

I don't know if I dare wrtie this, but IMO Weavo was more interesting at the beginning.
Weavetech stays more on topic - .
- whichever, Weavo (and Rav) are more "accessible", and thus merit(s) links on a "portal", I think.
(I'd say that hte problem is that there is *too much* weaving info on the 'net, not too little...)